Ozone natures superbug killer.


At Care Wash we believe that in order to provide the best quality services, we must source the highest quality products. This means sourcing equipment and products enable us not only to clean, but to also provide and guarantee total disinfection.

Ensuring disinfection without causing damage to garments requires much more sophisticated methods of washing, in addition to high levels of skill and expertise.

Traditionally, garments have been disinfected using thermal or chemical disinfection procedures. However at Care Wash we use pioneering technology and validation systems.

Care Wash uses revolutionary Ozone technology to provide disinfection against 99.9% of bacteria, viruses and super bugs.

Ozone technology provides one of the most powerful disinfectants known to man and is proven to be effective against super bugs such as MRSA and the resilient spores of Clostridium Difficile.

In addition to Ozone laundry systems, Care Wash also ensure that all staff are fully trained in all aspects of laundry processes, including advanced infection control practices and procedures.